I think what would be best is if you e-mail me everything that needs to go in it (even if it's at intervals) rather than you try and figure out how I'm working in InDesign. Just Word .docs for the text clearly labeled with page number and heading you want it under and the same for images, I assume they'll all be on here or flickr somewhere so just copy the urls into the document so I can source them.
I was going to treat the header type with some texture like the current 'logo' but for the time it would take and loss of editablity within the doc then it would probably be form over function.

Just took another screengrab with the header fixed (kind of, the red strip needs resizing I know) and with some placeholder images to get a better idea of how it looks. Is roughly 2 images per section ok? Exceptions can obviously be worked into it when I have the content. Maybe page numbers in bottom right incase anyone prints it. I'll line the texture up in the background so the crease is in the centre too and tighten up the typography.
Like I say, bit cryptic when all I have to go on is headers so might totally change when the info comes rolling in.

For the asset list can you send me the table (whatever you made it in, excel? Or just word? I have both anyway) I assume you can drop tables into ID somehow, or export the table as an image.
I also have no clue what the quick reference list would be, another table?
My Dad knows you're leaving the greenscreen CD with him, when you have your meeting with Dave Bentick can you try installing keylight into your AE and make sure it works. Despite the scale of some of my previous pirate adventures, ahem, I can't find the plugin anywhere so I need the plug and the serial/keygen on the CD.
Just done a few tweaks to the layout to balance it out a bit... Also there's a quick motion test for the credits on my blog. It's nowhere near yet, a few ideas I had didn't really add anything, less is more...
anyway, layout:

Just the job. I'll email them tonight.