Sunday 20 July 2008

HD titles test 1

I'm going to leave it for a while, get some crit & return with fresh eyes, maybe wait until after meeting on friday to do any more to it. I want to add a bit of camera shake when 'Traceur Tag' first appears to add a bit more impact and dynamism but apart from that I think it's coming together.

ps. Rendering tip I just got from

If HD is playing really REALLY choppy in QT for you like it was me, render out your AE files with 'photo jpeg' compression rather than the default lossless animation, looks great and plays really smooth.


pps. Stas I just got a ton of free vectors with computer arts projects, including a plethora of warning signs you might find useful...

1 comment:

  1. Matt you're a genius! It's looking the part. I should have the meteor footage from Jose for Friday so you can then attach the credits to the beginning of the video.

    We can discuss any amendments/alterations with the team (which in my opinion will be minor) on Friday.

    Well done.
