In regards to what Stas said on friday about creating some mock up logo's/stings before the actual titles I have found the biennial site which has quite a nice logo. I've emailed them to see if I can get a vector version or failing that a higher res version (and failing that it's a lot of clicking in Illustrator tracing the type unless anyone knows what font that is, it's like a geometric-ised eurostyle but it's probably custom for the logo) Those multiple blocks lend themselves to a quick simple dropping in animation in after effects (or c4d if I'm feeling brave and have time).

Also I've done a quick poster to put in the last scene with Adam's name in lights and also gets the lads name in there again. I'll do some more signs in different formats to hang from the buildings and also I'll sort out a story board for the titles to check the order of everything is ok before I get started putting it together in a HD comp. I'm going to leave the the credits until they're all finalised, the motion's very simple so might as well just start from scratch when all the info's ready.
I think for Adam's poster maybe a nod and a wink to the great directors of the past.
ReplyDeleteHere are some suggestions…
Adam Hamilton's
Citizen Kane 2: Rosebud's Revenge
Casablanca: Playing It Again
Taxi Driver: The U-turn
Raging Bull - TURBO
8 1/2 …and then some!