Wednesday 16 July 2008

biennialFreerunner logo sting mock ups *updated*

The fire escape scene below looks really good, coming together nicely.
I think the screens above give a decent example of what I'm thinking, obviously the contrast will be stronger, and throughout the fbf animation there'll be a lot of personality showing through the process: hands, pencils, rubber, ruler, coffee popping into shot every now and then etc. If it turns out how I'm thinking then it should look really nice, and if not it will only have taken about an hour anyway. Should do though.

Anyway, exam tomorrow so I'm going to stop clogging up the blog and return at the weekend

*EDIT: just had a response from Jen at Biennial with an eps attatchment of the logo, bit late but I suppose I'd best withdraw my slating of their service ;)
I'll email back a thanks then send my animation tomorrow to run it past them (make it look like I used the eps she sent)


  1. Hi Matt,

    The craft of the idea looks spot on. How do you see the transitions between this, the LB animation and the trailer working? Any thoughts?

  2. big explosions! :)

    Just fade ins and outs to and from black. At the beginning of anything all the companies have their little logo animations dreamworks, pixar, disney, fox whatever and from what I've noticed there's no particularly clever transition between them all, just nice and simple, smoothly on and off. Any other thoughts?

  3. Nope, sounds like you've considered the way it will work. Top marks for rationalizing your decisions...

    ...oh and how big will the explosions be?


  4. think of the biggest explosions your mind can fathom. Then multiply by 100

  5. Mmmm… I thought they'd be bigger.


  6. Just a thought on showing Liverpool Biennial your sting. Have you any webspace? It may be better to email the office a link to the movie rather than an original movie file itself.

    Not that I'm suggesting that they will rip you off, but it is safer to protect your creation by not giving them a file they may use (even if it is low res). Alternatively, adding a watermark across the image will also prevent misuse of your hard work. What do you think?

  7. no webspace as of yet, the plan was to get a site designed over the summer and sign up once it was done... then you went and buggered that plan up!

    I'll watermark it just as a precaution.
